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As we have no Sunday Mass congregation we would greatly appreciate your support where possible for our weekly Planned Giving to help with the basic maintenance of the Church and Parish. We know that many people have been affected financially by the Covid- 19 crisis so any support is greatly appreciated. You can do so by clicking on the `Donate` button on our website Thank you. Fr. John
The Body and Blood of Christ

Sitting together for a meal can generate a special feeling of togetherness. Each of us will have our own memories of table companionship or fellowship. Many of these will be happy experiences of celebration and laughter, of love received and shared. Some memories of table fellowship may be sad, times when we were more aware of one who was absent than of those who were present. Jesus shared table many times with his disciples. It is likely that, when sharing food with his disciples, he also shared with them his vision of God’s kingdom . At table, the disciples imbibed something of Jesus’ mind and heart and spirit. Of all the meals he shared with them, the meal that stayed in their memory more than any other was their last meal together, what came to be known as the last supper. Today’s gospel gives us Mark’s account, his word-picture, of that last supper. Every time we gather for the Eucharist, we find ourselves once more in that upper room with the first disciples, and the last supper with all it signified is present again to us.
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